Thursday, July 31, 2008

2008 Mar 9 & 15 Our NASA Mission

"I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness." - John 12:46
Visit To Kennedy Space Center @ Cape Canaveral

It had always been a dream for man to go into space ... and this dream came true in recent history! It was a pleasant experience when we went to Houston in 2000. But to be here at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) at the Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral ... the very spot where Apollo 11 rocketed Neil Armstrong and his team to the moon ... is yet another wonderful dream came true for us!
Look! Our team of astronauts are ready to take off! Wanna join us?

~ Click here to go to Mission Space ~

~ Click here to learn about our Solar System ~

From the LC-39 Observation Gantry, we could see the space shuttle at LC-39B launch pad (above). The shuttle and rockets were assembled at the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB, left) before being transported on the Crawler Transporter from VAB to LC-39B.

The launch was scheduled two days later ... on Mar 11 2008.

We viewed many exhibits at the Apollo/Saturn V Center too ...
There are many rockets, space capsules, etc. Very interesting! Look at this Rover Machine for Mars' exploration!

This is the view from the bottom of the rocket. Look how big it is!

Wanna experience the absence of gravity in space?

We returned to Kennedy Space Center after our Western Caribbean Cruise on Mar 15 2008 (since our passes were valid for 7 days). It was a wonderful feeling to go into the Space Shuttle ... knowing that this was the real shuttle that flew in space!

Besides seeing space shuttle, rockets and IMAX movies, Cape Canaveral is also a lovely place to spot wild lives. We saw an American Bald Eagle perched on a tree, its huge nest, herons, seagulls, and a baby alligator!

Over, our visit to the Kennedy Space Center has been an educational and enriching experience. I hope to be back again to see a shuttle launch before I return to Singapore.
