Thursday, September 3, 2020

2000 Sep 3 San Antonio Missions

Final day of Informational Program brought us to see the Missions of San Antonio, but first stop, to the Japanese Tea Garden and Sunken Garden, Texas🇺🇸 
Mission Concepcion is the oldest unrestored stone church in the nation where the Friars christianized the Indians.
Mission San Juan
Mission Espada
Mission San Jose was established in 1720 in San Antonio, Texas🇺🇸 Best restored mission in the United States.
Famous "Rose Window"
The Alamo, a.k.a. Mission San Antonio de Valero, was famous for the 1836 Battle for Texas Independence.
The Alamo is the first Spanish mission founded in 1718 in San Antonio, Texas🇺🇸 
Next stop, visited El Mercado and Farmer's Market where farmer sold their produce directly at the market.
San Antonio Riverwalk
Sep 4 - It was a fantastic and fun Informational Program ... going back to El Paso, Texas🇺🇸 
