Friday, July 24, 2020

2000 Jul 24-28 The Best Of El Paso

El Paso Informational Program For International Officers

 Visit to El Paso Police Department on Jul 24 (Mon)
Appointed Honorary Citizens of El Paso, Texas🇺🇸 at El Paso City Council Meeting on Jul 25 (Tue) ...
... and visit to El Paso Museum of Art.

Visit to El Paso Border Patrol, Texas🇺🇸 on Jul 26 (Wed) ... quite a wide and porous border between El Paso and Juarez, Mexico.
Mexican Lunch at Nutcracker Suite @ Anthony, New Mexcio🇺🇸 and visit to the Jalapeno Farm.

Ended the day visit at the War Eagles Air Museum @ Santa Teresa, , New Mexico🇺🇸 showcasing war planes of the WWI and Korean Conflict eras.

Visit to Fort Bliss Museum - US Army Air Defense Artillery Museum, Texas🇺🇸 on Jul 27 (Thu), showcasing the array of air defense missiles of the US Army.

Visit to The Missions of El PasoTexas🇺🇸 on Jul 28 (Fri)

Chapel San Elizario and her bells
Mission Ysleta

And the finale visit to Tigua Indian Cultural Center marked the end of the week-long El Paso Informational Program for International Officers.

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