Friday, November 13, 2020

2000 Nov 13 Statue Of Liberty & Manhattan

No trip to New York🇺🇸 is complete without a visit to the Statue of Liberty. Today, we took a cruise to visit this icon of Freedom. Seeing the World Trade Center from the ferry ...

13 Nov 2000 ... the last time we saw World Trade Center, a.k.a. Twin Tower ...

New York🇺🇸 has many famous museums. Today, we shall be visiting these famous museums. First stop, Solomon R Guggenheim Museum (a.k.a. The Guggenheim) in the Upper East Side of Manhattan.

Manhattan skyline, New York City, New York🇺🇸 with the iconic Twin Tower, seen for the very last time ...

... Ellis Island ...

... Statue of Liberty with World Trade Center at the backdrop of Manhattan skyline ...
... Statue of Liberty ...
300 more steps to go to the top ...
Looking through the Crown of the Lady ..
At the Crown ...
View of Manhattan from Statue of Liberty ...
Make a guess what this is ...
This is the original torch of the Statue of Liberty, but now placed at the front entrance ...
Statue of Liberty ...
Manhattan skyline and the Twin Tower ...
After the Statue of Liberty tour, we had some time to do some sightseeing at Downtown Manhattan before heading to the airport to fly back to El Paso. NASDAQ Building ...
... the famous "Bull" of New York City ...
Next, we walked to the New York Stock Exchange at Wall Street ...
St Patrick Cathedral ...
South Seaport Pier 17 ...
The World Trade Centre ... our last view of the Twin Tower on 13 Nov 2000 ...
Fullerton Fish Market ...
Nice view of Manhattan ...
These were the magnificent icons of financial power of the USA. Didn't know that this was the first and last time we see them ...
Walking past the Flatiron ... a flat narrow building that we always see on TV ...
... the Financial District ...
... Broad Street, Wall Street ...
... United States Court House ...
... City Hall, New York City ...
... United States Court House ...
... US Department of Justice ...
... United Nations Building as seen in the movie The Interpreter (didn't have time to get a tour, maybe next time) ...
And after this, we rushed back to Fukuzaki's apartment in Brooklyn to get our luggage and headed for the airport. We almost missed our flight because the taxi driver was sending us to the wrong airport (JFK instead of New York City Airport). Thank God we noticed ... somehow ... and we had to make a dash for our plane. It was a great first trip to New York City, New York🇺🇸 and we will definitely be back again.
