Thursday, July 31, 2008

2008 May 21 We Love Tallahassee

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33
Tom Brown Park - Voted Best American Park

Today, we went to Tom Brown Park - voted Best American Park! It is only 5 minutes away from Polos On Park, but we had not gone there yet. There are two playgrounds ... we went to the new playground today. It is huge and fun ... and Sonya and Ethan had fun climbing the rope pyramid.

Ethan was comfortable where he was ...

... but Sonya climbed all the way to the top!

Sonya continued to practice snorkelling in Polos' pool (after her initial experience at the Grand Cayman). She is getting good at it!

Sonya's Playdate

Sonya had her first playdate with her classmate, Jessica at our house. They had the playroom all to themselves. Look at their face. They must had great fun!

Ethan's Last Day At Wesson School

30 May 2008 was Ethan's last day of school at Wesson School. We were sad that he had to leave Wesson School and attend kindergarten in another school (because Wesson School does not offer kindergarten classes). Ethan really did great in school and had learned a great deal in school this year. Special thanks to all his great teachers!

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